Because 30 seconds is equivalent to an entire week Cpatton. If it takes that long for you to plan, then you should just give up clanning. We do all our planning in the 10-15 minute vote time, and we win, unlike you. If you're spending longer than that, then you're overplanning, which is why you always lose. Especially when you're in charge.
Whoa people saying 3 days, 30 seconds, whole weeks, we need an international scale. looks like Cookies and Creme wins by default since both EPIC and BSID are garbage clans(mo' like garbage CANS) full of garbage players.
I believe you mean G-String clan. ¦Ģ¦ That is your tag. It is a G with a little string hanging off, ergo you are G-String clan.
All our bitches got G strings, we're a ¦Ģ¦entlemens club, aka classy brothel that us fine pieces of extreme high civilization frequent.
Once again, who bothered inviting grant to a clan? Seriously, does anyone have any idea what they are doing?
Not destroyed, it just hasn't set into the clan because I don't play anymore. Chance of Clan break down is directly proportional to what status I have in the clan over how many hours I play. The curse only works if I have at least 6 Micro Savrients worth of status. The scale of status is between 0(nonexistant) and 100 (clan leader). Applied mathematics as follows: Code: %D = S/T Currently I have no status and no hours I play, so the formula can not work for the present state of the clans sanity, but if it was a scenario like any other clan, where my status was any number (I'll use 10 in the example) but my playtime was 0, the calculation would have been: Code: %D = S/T %D = 10/0 %D = Undefined (Clan instantly dies and cannot be saved without divine intervention) The same curse applies with Trickster and the chance Euroes will not play, simply because he has a general status of around 1000 Micro Savrients to every Euro in empires(there are some exceptions), regardless if they are in EPIC or not. It's the exact reverse for the Americans with FN, if FN plays theres a chance Americans will not play.
Your understanding of undefined numbers amuse me. Obviously, your formula is flawed as a time value less than 1 (depending its unit) would actually INCREASE your probability of destroying the clan. This would mean that a small value of gameplay OR a large value of clan status would make it highly probable that the clan would die. Since increasing your time playing the game will increase your status in the clan, you have created a catch-22 situation that will inevitably destroy hobbes' clan. The only possible solution is to kick you out.
Come on, man. Trickster will be going to Dubai now and he wont live long. Let him enjoy his last tea with milk if he wants. :p