Badmin Badmin what you gonna do...

Discussion in 'General' started by JustGoFly, Nov 4, 2016.

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  1. JustGoFly

    JustGoFly Member

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    Removed due to Empires Trolls...
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2016
    vipervicki likes this.
  2. VulcanStorm

    VulcanStorm Developer Staff Member Moderator

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    1) let the team vote kick them out of commander, you can spec and help them understand why.
    ALTERNATIVELY! You can coach the new player and help them learn how to command. A far better option than the previous.

    2)agreed, warning is good.

    3)This is a hard one... Sometimes it is just over for a team (see thread about delaying a clear victory), but generally behaviour that will intentionally cause your team to lose should not be allowed.

    4) yeah, if banned, you should just wait it out.. but i don't think a permaban is an option, just double the current ban or something. permabanning is a last resort.

    5) Explain to them how they could improve their play, and live with the fact that some people have bad days, others are new, some are both new and having a bad day (this is rather unfortunate). You should live with players, no matter their skill level. Empires needs all the players it can get.

    6) agreed, proof is required for admin action. screenshot it or record it if possible so to use as evidence if the player disputes the ban.

    7) Agreed

    8) again, i agree with this one... you should ask for an ungrief if the commander has been griefed.

    9) again, a hard one to enforce, but if a player is upset by any other player's behaviour then admins should intervene and mediate the situation.

    10) admins shouldn't change a map based on player request, unless it is a special map (rainbowroad anyone?) and the vast majority of the server agrees.

    11) again, based on player majority. admin aboose can be fun at times.
    BlackRedDead likes this.
  3. Paradox

    Paradox I am a gigantic asshole who loses people's hard wo

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    If a player is griefing by doing a multitude of things like: buying 3 heavy tanks in a row and driving it to death ( this is a pure grief lategame and Ive said it plenty of times ), just sitting there and doing nothing, running circles around cv. You dont kick him you dont ban him, what you do is you drag him into spectate and explain to him what hes doing wrong, hell Ill explain it to him if an admin keeps dragging him into spec. I used to do this on a csgo jailbreak server, if someone does something wrong and doesnt communicate back you just permanently put him in spec untill he wants to communicate with you.

    I do think that this should have an exceptionhonestly, if I see my team has lost ( 100 procent, no chance for a rush no nothing ) Im not going to let the other team just farm out my rax till they WANT to finish ( people enjoy farming out people ) Ill drive my cv out of position and die so we can have another enjoyable game. I dont think its right that someone 1) that tried the entire game to win and 2) is experienced enough to know when its over doesnt get the final say over if the game ends or not. You say rtv or surrender but that never ever actually happens when its needed. More than 50 percent of empires players are too stupid at this point to use this system of democracy and voting
  4. vipervicki

    vipervicki Member

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    how to admin a server is up to the server owner...not community, IMO fly you need to talk this over with thecreeper and see what he prefers but getting suggestions seems okay or feedback but thecreeper makes the decisions IMO.
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2016
    Neoony likes this.
  5. Z100000M

    Z100000M Vithered Weteran

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    This is hilariously bad way of handling things and abusable as hell.
    "Com getting lvl3s when they are shelling our base is pointless, give us weapons"

    No really, if you go with this you turn an admin into nothing more than a silly brainless algorithm. This all sounds like youre trying to escape judgement by hiding behind a hard and fast rule. As an admin you get (well in theory anyway) power of judgement and a degree of trust that you have enough common sense to enforce the rules where appropriate, but you have to owe it up, be ready to be fired upon if you shoot and all that.

    Then again ive never seen you do anything like you described here so i dont even know where it came from.
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2016
  6. Xyaminou

    Xyaminou Member

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    I'm never wrong.
    A-z-K likes this.
  7. vipervicki

    vipervicki Member

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    I can vouch for that (is my nose growing???)
  8. flasche

    flasche Member Staff Member Moderator

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    for newbies a !slap often is enough to make them aware the server is administered.
    BlackRedDead and VulcanStorm like this.
  9. BlackRedDead

    BlackRedDead Member

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    despite the fact that you are true, (Viper/)Nubs is the only really populated server and reached some sort of "semi officiality" at this game, it's a special case at empires - don't forget that! ;-)

    tough the last word has the server owner and real "speaking rights" only those who pay for it - but feedback from the community can't hurt! (if it stays constructive!)

    Topic: (not quoted = agreed)
    antisemitism is a real issue on the server, i even don't understand why ppl spend time on such things ingame... (yea i know, because they are cute trolls that doesn't need to face there stupidity in that enviroment! -.-# - wich is the reason why it should be absolutly not tolerated!)
    as a german i might be a bit extragerated at that case, especially we still have that problem here! (tough it's small but burning assyl houses ARE reality again -.-#)
    irl i wouldn't mind much about it, because you can face it, you can activly ask someone why he is saying that and talk with him, actually you can punch him a history book in the face if needed! xD (free talking rights! - tough verbal harrasment can't be tollerated aswell!)
    but online, especially at gaming you haven't the time and i personally don't want to feed such "trolls" (to be called at nicest!)
    - just kick them once and ban them if they can't get the clue that gaming isn't the space for racism&politics!

    btw - tough i'm not hit by it - but private discussions in ingame voice chat should be forbidden aswell - there's a ts3 server for such things!
    and no i don't mean "hey dude, how are you?" short talkings! - i mean "oh dude, i buyed this gtx7400, what do you think?" kind of anoyance! - tough deepence on the situation, if there are only 3ppl on a team and 2 want to talk - so what?, sad for the 1 guy that actually wants to play, but at 5vs5 things should be taken more seriously to keep the comms open for battle chatter!
    (just ask ppl to stop, warn them and kick them only when absolutly necessary! - ban only if he just joins to proceed!)

    "royal prick"???
    well, i personaly find it quite simple to differienciate if someone sink the CV in an accident or on Intention (if watched ofc!) - and at a clearly lost game i wouldn't mind (no rax and enemy has advantage* = clear loss!) an intentional sinking!
    *map control, research, ... easyer to call the exception, a ninjaed rax at game start is no clear loss!
    more of a problem is it to identify intentional bad playing - being to troll, delay or loose a match!
    so instead of banning in such cases i would prefer to just kick them after start of the next match! (after explaining the punishment and giving chance to defend oneself!)

    a weekban is a very hard ban, should be only used for real infrigments!
    (staying at bad behavior after 1 day bans)

    ??? - i don't get this, could you try to explain that more widely what is meant?
    (perma ban should be the absolute last option!)

    overall personal differences should not be taken in! - sadly it needs another admin to give real prove on that, but i would like to see there more optimization and some abusive admins removed!

    well, staying idle larger parts (>5min) or even the whole game IS ruining the game! (it takes up 1 slot in team and effectivly reduce it by 1!)

    ehm, haven't we an conclusion several years ago that "stealing" cars in GTA_Empires is a feature? xD (JOKE!, [irony] because that issue NEVER got fixed, not by the devs and not by admins!)

    there is nothing funny at "heil hitler" and "gas jews" guys! -.-'

    the stand deepence on viewpoint, for me it's the major reason to not use ingame voice! (it's hust distracting and anoying!)
    (but it's nearly always the same story with ingame voice at other games too - exceptions are PL2&BF3/4 so far, but they feature much more advanced ingame voice than the source engine tough!)

    how to send PM ingame? O.o

    to much map changes ruin it anyway!, but if several ppl request another map it would be nice if admins react more often (im talking about roughly 60% of the ppl on server! - especially at fu***** slaughtered, saw it so often that half the server wishes a new map or RTF but mostly fail because of morrons that still vote that map above 16vs16! -.-# - thought most of them just say "meh, can't do anything against it, so i join and play" - wich freaks me out aswell, raise your voice guys if you want a change!!!)

    overall an admin should only change a map on specific request and ask for agreement of the rest, or nominate that map in and start a mapvote

    but what i don't like is to switch map after already playing 5min+! - that should be forbidden!

    overall admins should act more, but also some ppl should be checked at theire admin status!
    lesser bans - more kicks and more&clear explainations!
  10. Z100000M

    Z100000M Vithered Weteran

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    antisemitism in empires? wut?
  11. Donald Trump

    Donald Trump Member

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    I think he is referring to pires. Just now I asked Pires "Are you an anti-semite?" and he said "probably". I stand firmly with BRD on this one, we need to curve pires rampant racism and aggression towards those on the server.
  12. vipervicki

    vipervicki Member

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    dt... another case of not reading ..I wish you would read my entire post before commenting.

    vipervicki said:
    "how to admin a server is up to the server owner...not community, IMO fly you need to talk this over with thecreeper and see what he prefers but getting suggestions seems okay or feedback but thecreeper makes the decisions IMO."
  13. BlackRedDead

    BlackRedDead Member

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    very rarely at high times but common at low-average times (i know the admin's in spec are propably afk but seem to not read the chatlog afterwards - at least in the past where i reported that guys!), and propably just 1-2 morrons that changes theire names over and over -.-#
  14. Donald Trump

    Donald Trump Member

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    I don't think you got the joke. I was joking about that... In fact, I don't even see how our two posts are related and you are calling me out? What is this? I was making fun of BRD and you stepped in saying I was trying to tell you guys how to administer your server. Wut?

    My joke was about the pires bot saying he was "probably" an anti-semite when I asked it. So I said we should totally reprimand pires for being a racist antisemite... there was literally nothing about the server administration here, let alone about your comment.
  15. BlackRedDead

    BlackRedDead Member

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    here is a piece of prove - was just today - and i think he is one of those guys that bring such shit on a regular base!
  16. vipervicki

    vipervicki Member

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    sorry dt it was meant for BRD not you
  17. BlackRedDead

    BlackRedDead Member

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    and i already got that, sorry that i indeed basicly "refrain" your statement xP

    it's just something "self-evident" that got a bit shorten by your statement because were at an exception from the regular server appearances at such games - thus it is logic to collect community critic centralized! (hope that clarifies it better what i was trying to say, if not it isn't that importand, just a detail!)
  18. vipervicki

    vipervicki Member

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    np :) in the end its thecreeper who tells the NUBS admins how to admin even if its the only played server. IMO this thread should have never been made and thecreeper should have been asked first..

    server administration is between the server owner and the admins not one admin and the community.

    of course suggestions from the community are always welcome but not in this format.
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2016
  19. Señor_Awesome

    Señor_Awesome Member

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    I think you're too uptight about this... it's really not that big of a deal since JGFs admin style has worked for a long time with very few complaints. So what if people learn how he operates?

    Meanwhile, my admin ways shall remain veiled in secrecy, much like the dark order I belong to responsible for ensuring the empires community dwindles. A large empires community obstructs our plans...

    BlackRedDead and flasche like this.
  20. vipervicki

    vipervicki Member

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    that wasn't my objection, him letting people know how he admins, my objection was when he asked the community how he should admin nubs originally, that's for the creeper to decide not the community.
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