Hi guys, I recently found out about this contest: http://www.polycount.com/the-throne-room-challenge/ In short, the task is to model and texture any kind of throne room, then render some beauty shots in the engine of your choosing. You are also supposed to make a thread on the polycount forum and post WIP shots. Now the interesting part: The contest allows for up to two people to participate in a team. That's why I am posting this here: I wanted to ask if someone would be interested in teaming up with me and participating. Now I am not going in this contest with the expectation to actually win anything. I see it more as a learning experience. If our stuff is actually good enough to win anything, great! But I won't push anyone into winning at all costs. The deadline for the contest is March 31st 2015 at 11:59 PM Pacific Time (PT). So I will set the deadline for people to say that they want to work with me to January 25st 2015 at 11:59PM UTC+1. That's almost 4 days from now. The reason for this deadline is, that we will need the time to work on this. I already asked a few people I worked with before, but they didn't have the time to work on this, so I am asking here. If I don't find anyone, I'll probably have to start on this alone.
I could perhaps design a throne room but my modeling experience is non-existent. I don't mind not being credited or mentioned, it's nice to have a learning experience and I might use it for D&D later down the line. Or something. If you'd like to see a design do tell me and I'll try to whip something up in Paint or the like.
Well, you could try to come up with something, but I haven't fixed myself on a theme yet. Also what I forgot to state: I can do the modeling, texturing and in-engine work. (I want to use UE4.) So what a potential partner would do is just help out with all of that in an equal amount or just with the parts they are able to and I'll do the rest.
Well you said So I thought maybe you couldn't use blender or others. So this is a way to kind of model in hammer. Modeling is pretty simple. Not to different then mapping. Just a lot more time consuming. It all comes down to using shapes and textures to make a piece of art.
Yeah I'm too lazy to learn that and don't want to spend time learning this shit anyways. Drawing, or at least planning, however, is something completely different.
If you can do concept art, feel free to do so. And converting brushes to a model with Propper IS NOT MODELING. There are lots of important things missing if you go that way and you would end up doing everything again. Either you learn modeling basics and a program of your choice, or you simply don't even start. Propper really is just a last resort solution for mappers, nothing more. And now: Back to topic, please.