This image was provided by someone who didn't want to be banned and bitched out of posting it on the forum.
On the one hand, I find this quite hilarious, but on the other surrender does save us time as most of us are aware Empires slippery slope is hard to overcome at certain points in the match. I would like to see something a little more entertaining that surrender. Like maybe the commander could have a command to sacrifice tickets for Resources if one teams research reachs a certain point and the opposing team is behind. Something that may (No matter how little) can give that team a chance to rebound.
Rez: +800 personal rez for everyone for 10 tickets. or rez node off the map that feeds at the same rate of the highest node on the map for 1 ticket per minute. Spawn: NO spawn timer = 2 tickets per spawn. Research: 1.5 * research speed 1 ticket a minute.