A petition for turtless.

Discussion in 'General' started by Axeman, Nov 20, 2010.

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  1. Axeman

    Axeman Member

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    Dear Empires Developers and Turtles,

    The following turtle is not a collection of my own turtle, or the turtles of a clique of turtles or resentful turtles. This letter is a deceleration of popular turtle and discontent, our turtles, suggested turtles, and a sundry assortment of other items up for discussion.

    Turtles on the forums itself has grown tyrannical and unjust. Players are removed for having a dissenting turtle in regards to administration or general turtles, no matter how just their turtle or how logical and passionate their turtles. Suggestions are thrown by the wayside as an elite increasingly isolated group of old-guard turtles are marginalized by the new "young turtles", who now hold the reins of a giant space-faring turtle, and do not wield them benevolently.

    Implementation of turtles and the removal of turtles into the game has minimal popular support, and the justification of these actions lies in their own infallibility, the idea that we as the majority do not hold any intellectual thoughts beneficial to advancing the turtle. Implimination of said features is justified by "that if you cannot walk like a turtle, you have no rights". While we may not directly contribute, you ultimately create the turtle for us, the turtles. You may code out of generosity, demands for prestige, power, or a plethora of other reasons, but ultimately it has become true that all input from the community has vanished, not only under the force of turtles, but also conjoined with a wave of turtles from developers, who refuse to believe that anything THEY code could be regarded as un-turtle-like.

    Countless collections of logical fallacies exist as rebuttals to popular turtles, they range from the pseudo-intellectual teachings of turtle to deranged turtles bordering on insanity. Some of these may be rooted in turtle aspect and physicaly turtle, but the vast space-faring trutle is merely dismissed due to disapproval for anybody outside of the established turtle proposing the idea. This has not only resulted in the current bout of turtle but contributed to the general decline of turtles, as the atmosphere of autocracy and persecution combined with repression of free thought regarding technical issues has driven away turtles, not the "unruly masses" as some turtles would have us believe.

    Our demands are simple and just. We require turtles in forms of development and administration in general, so the turtles can be informed. We also want oversight over turtle actions, and an increased NUMBER of turtles to more diverse groups of players, ranging from the turtle and virtuous turtle to the respected clan turtle and native turtle. We also require that general progress be resumed in all maters, social and technical, and that community input once again become the driving force behind turtles development, not the main deteriment. As the community turns against its own turtles, so does the game die.

    Sincerely Yours,
    An Empty Edit.

    Kindly GTFO
  2. recon

    recon SM Support Dev

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    I don't think I know of any games where the players like the developers...
  3. Demented

    Demented Member

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    AI War: Fleet Command

    Those devs are fantastic. (Incidentally, the game's graphics were stolen from 1991 and then shoved through intestines.)
  4. Krazer

    Krazer Member

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    Pretty funny how even though axeman makes a valid point and has never done anything wrong on these forums, he is just instantly banned.

    Pretty much proves is right there. Oh well Nuclear Dawn inc.
  5. Headshotmaster

    Headshotmaster Member

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    This thread shows the maturity and competence of Empty as a moderator and developer.
  6. Empty

    Empty Member

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    This mod has an incredibly open developer-community relationship, you ask any question and we'll be glad to answer it, moderation, developement or personal.

    The problem is, a lot of you think this means you can ask for something to be added, and we'll say yes every time.

    We're happy to share information, but please keep in mind that we are the developers, not you, the community can have input, but the community is not the driving force, people like Brutos, Mootant, Kylegar and Krenzo are the driving force behind this mod, they produce it, they make the decisions, and they make the call as to whether or not an idea is added.

    And yes, people who don't really contribute can't complain when their ideas don't get a second look, we don't care for useless "ideas guys", or useless whiny bitches. Go make something, go help in some way, learn to code, learn to model, learn to map, then you can have an influence in where the mod goes.

    Anyway, this is all ******* propaganda, I can tell from the writing style.
    Protip: ******* doesn't care about our mod, community or anything, he just wants a stupid online "state" with stupid online elections and bullshit.
  7. Empty

    Empty Member

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    I'm sorry but I have to quote this for hilarious irony, what have you done in the time you've been a dev?
  8. Krazer

    Krazer Member

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    The irony is that this has nothing to do with ***** and Axeman always writes in this fashion.

    Atleast people who play the game know that.
  9. Trent

    Trent Member

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    I agree with Axeman, though with the ORIGINAL letter

    Why was he banned? For posting an opinion?
  10. Deletejohnson

    Deletejohnson Banned

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    That was pretty immature banning axeman.
    Remember we are your players. You are our employee and just because we cant indirectly fire you or hire someone else doesnt mean that We wont just quite this game like a bad habit. Countless players have already stopped playing and at this point i'm sure there are more to fallow.
  11. Headshotmaster

    Headshotmaster Member

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    Relevance? Competence and Maturity as a developer and moderator is what I'm talking about.

    I know I may not have been the most effective developer if I were to be called a developer at all, but I know that I didn't go around the forums editing posts and replacing words with 'turtles', and then subsequently banning people because I disagreed with them. I only edited 2 posts. The posts in question happened to be yours when you went 'Bipolar' on community members.

    And yes, you did make particles. Thank you for them.
    However that doesn't give you anything regarding moderator competency.
  12. Deletejohnson

    Deletejohnson Banned

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    you just banned somebody for having an opinion.
  13. Krazer

    Krazer Member

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    This is completely and utterly false. Go read the suggestion section.

    Even if the majority of ideas should not be added. The response from devs (and players) is far from the above comment. It's really an issue seeing as how lots of new players like to give feedback, and lots of fucking dumb replys turn them away.

    How hard is it to fucking say no in a respectful way.
  14. complete_

    complete_ lamer

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    i thought this joke was funnier without the turtles
  15. WalMartGreeter

    WalMartGreeter Member

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    This is pure paranoia if you believe any criticism of the mod, written with at most a high-school level of English, is from "he who should not be named." It is blatantly obvious with the fact you have a script on the forums to simply censor the guy's name. You give the guy ammunition by caring, and a tactical nuke when you express your fear of him.

    The irony of the situation is that this is NOTHING to do with a certain "Mr.Dead", yet you throw out this thought-terminating clique on any criticism that cannot be overlooked by your ego. This cannot be considered an open-forum for the community if guilt of association, directly or not, with a particular troll is used on any criticism.
    Last edited: Nov 20, 2010
  16. Demented

    Demented Member

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    'Community' outrage threads are always silly.
    For example:
    Employee? Do not mistake playing a game for employment. You are neither a customer or an employer. You are, at most, the recipient of a gift. Just as easily as you can stop playing, devs can stop developing, and it will inconvenience them far less in the long run.

    I'm just surprised Empty was involved in this one.
    Usually it's DizzyOne that gets people pissed off.
  17. alucard13mmfmj

    alucard13mmfmj Member

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    well we are all involved. everyone is involved in some way.. its just turtle forces it to be that way.
  18. Demented

    Demented Member

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    What if I cook you up a little, a little turtle soup? A nice hot turtle soup, hm? Nothing better on a cold night like this than some boiling hot soup!
  19. ViroMan

    ViroMan Black Hole (*sniff*) Bully

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    Message From Star Fleet, captain:

    Until at least 2 out of 3 of these things are carried out, neither Mr.D or Axeman will agree to be unbanned peacefully.
    Both sides have agreed to this.
  20. WalMartGreeter

    WalMartGreeter Member

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    lol ViroMan, stop hijacking the thread and associating Axeman with Mr.D.

    Instead of banning Viroman, this is how trolls should be dealt with:

    Mr.D? Mr. Deez nuts in your mouth LOL
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