A few suggestions for mapping

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by Jimather, Apr 1, 2009.

  1. Jimather

    Jimather Member

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    Commander visibility brush:

    Basically a brush that makes terrain and buildings transparent to commanders. Would make certain things such as the dam refinery in mvalley much easier and all sorts of interesting underground mapping possibilities.

    Scale resource output:

    Simple entity input to resource points allowing the set res output to be scaled. Again just opening up more scenario possibilities for mappers.

    Prebuilt walls:

    NO not just a func_buildable_brush or whatever its called. Exactly the same as normal engi or comm dropped walls except dropped by the mapper. Would be great if you could set the built percentage in hammer too.

    Prebuilt bases could be set out without resorting to a thematic explanation for the presence of permanent brush based or otherwise walls.
  2. flasche

    flasche Member Staff Member Moderator

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  3. Jimather

    Jimather Member

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    No it doesnt exist.

    Yes i can set the output but i cant change it during the game using other entitys.

    No you cant.
  4. spellman23

    spellman23 Member

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    Dynamic res generation values.....

    Would be awesome, but we also need the support in the tools to make it transparent when there are changes. This is also an idea that's been thrown around quite a bit for NS2.
  5. Jimather

    Jimather Member

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    Do you mean transparent for mappers or transparent res flow changes to the player in game ?
  6. spellman23

    spellman23 Member

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    Transparent to both, but mostly to the players. They should easily realize when a change has occurred, or that it could happen, and take that into account in their strats.

    And by transparent I mean they don't have to look up the maps specs on Empires Wiki. It should be in the game/map as, say, color of the base of the ref changes color depending on level of res production.
  7. blizzerd

    blizzerd Member

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    transparancy allround is needed, but i guess it will come from itself when the game is a bit more balanced and finished

    also, tickets should scale to the amount of players in your team

    for example something like: you set tickets in map params to 20 = 20 tickets per player in your team, if a new player joins 20 get added or something, if he leaves nothing happens and if he rejoins nothing happens untill the player amount tops the previous max players in the team of that map

    so leaving/rejoining cant be used to grief your/enemy team

    why you ask? so that mappers have a better idea on how to scale there maps to the amount of players that play
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2009
  8. Jimather

    Jimather Member

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    This is good, often mappers will have higher value refs in certain areas to attract people but they are only known to certain people who have read forums and readmes etc and they dont often spread the info.

    So having perhaps like you say some sort of indicator as to the res value could actually help the gameplay on previously made maps not just those who change it dynamically in future maps if my suggestion were implemented.

    Here are some options,

    Engineer sees a second bar under the health level when he calcs the ref which shows output. Would rely on the engineers to actually tell people tho.

    Looking at the ref will show a +X in green like player names currently, could feel sorta 'clunky' and tacky.

    Modelling in some kind of gauge on the ref itself which moves according to output, would look much cooler but would take modelling and animation time.

    Changing colour of the minimap icon according to output, might be the easiest to code (i think, devs might well correct me here) and would also let a player know wherever he is that for example this ref i'm currently attacking is actually worth a quarter of the one on the other side of the map so i'd best go and defend that etc etc
  9. Jimather

    Jimather Member

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    massive gays.

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