Herp dee derp, just increase weight. You don't need to do some weird special rule where nukes negate other missiles. Just let them weight a truckload and it'll work itself out.
Yeah, again, this isn't a bad idea either. There's lots of ways to balance nukes without making them useless again. The biggest problem though is that nerfing it in terms of making it expensive/heavy is that noobs are still going to buy it, meaning they can still grief the team by buying them when they're not required. This is very similar to the issue we have with artillery, whereby 2 artillery tanks can really help your team, but 5+ is a guaranteed loss. Problem is that the commander has no real way of dealing with this, which really does suck. If I get the coders for it, I'll try my best to get a system implemented so the commander can really fine tune the vehicle line-up he wants for his team, setting maximum amounts of artillery tanks, maximum amounts of nukes/team, etc.
Why not doing that for every vehicle? Would also prevent annoying jeep spams (especially in the beginning of emp_mvalley: the com wants the team to build an APC but 1 troll is like "n0pe" and buys a jeep) Furthermore, it would help those noobies out by forcing them to get a heavy instead of an instadead light tank.
Why then not go the full way and have a menu for both voted comms, in which they have dropdownlists and buttons to agree what they want in their game and what not? BE and NF com got voted pre round -> both get a fancy menu to lay out the rounds' game rules (max amount of arties, max amount of jeeps) while commander tactic time is active (or whatever that new timer is called) and have to press an agree button->the game will only allow what they had chosen for the round. If one com does not press the agree button within time, the game will have unrestricted vehicle creation and research. (I know, this will make it into beta and then later be scratched completely like all the other fancy research stuff)
Vehicle composition is a good idea imo, weapon restriction would be far harder to implement without SO MANY QUESTIONS
If a commander can set the maximum of certain tanks he wants on the field, why not also give him the power to set a maximum of scouts a certain class?
Scout limit: 1 per n players It would solve a lot of problems, but the inverse effect is that you would DEFINITELY have one scout per n players, as people tried to pick the 'rare/hard to get' class.
WMDs always have been shite in empires. they fit the RTS setting but empires isnt a pure RTS -> you dont kill AI controlled units. nukes and arty only "work" if you think about them from the attackers prespective and thats a very single sided view. since emp is a blend, you also have to account for FPS balancing which means that there has to be a 1on1 counter to anything - skill. but no matter how much skill you show, unless you are very lucky you cant do jackshit against a nuke heavy on your own. and no, 10 grens aint a counter to 1 heavy since they usually come in larger groups and you only have 31 teammates at max ...
As much as I love playing grenadier, should we really make it so that two or three grenadiers can counter heavy tanks? Yes, I've heard the "reduce the slippery slope" argument, and the "it is not fun to be able to do jack shit against a heavy tank as a grenadier", but tanks are tanks for gods sake. They should have a measure of "I don't give a shit-edness" against infantry. But nonetheless, I do agree that heavy tanks can currently be a little too powerful. Let us discuss ways to decrease this power disparity between late game tanks and early game units (infantry)! I rather liked the idea that grenadier rockets could scale in damage corresponding to what chassis your commander researched. Another good idea would be to simply reduce the weight limit on tanks in general, or even to make tank weapons less effective against infantry, so you would have to do a combined arms push of infantry+tanks. In fact, I actually somewhat like that idea--if we were somehow able to weaken tank anti-infantry capabilities, we would but a soft requirement that you would have to take one or two apcs with every tank push. Then again, teamwork isn't very prevalent in Empires, so that idea would probably end up falling flat on its face.
It might be necessary to bring upgraded/advanced RPG back. The solution with making Grens do more damage to Meds/Arty (16%) and Heavies (33%) was pretty ideal but I don't have the script capacity to use that system any more, and I hate using hardcoded solutions, so I don't see a great deal of other options.
Upgraded RPGs were removed not long after I began playing (about 3 months or so, I believe), and certainly long before I began playing grenadier, but wasn't the issue with it simply that it often wasn't worth the time to research? Then again, considering that research is now free, researching upgraded RPGs would actually be a good idea in a last-ditch defense effort. I would definitely like to see it reimplemented, albeit with a decrease in research time, perhaps.
To be fair, the rpg shreds early game tanks. If I'm not mistaken 1 rpg + 1 mortar still kills an lt, even if it has regen or absorbent.
exactly what i meant - its quite obviously not balanced. mediums are fine, the other tanks are either too weak or too strong ...
Actually it was pretty awesome. Just a little unfair vs early game vehicles, which happened to include APCs. That's why scaling was generally better.
Pickled_heretic (or maybe it was John Shandy or Cobalt Blue) told me to simply forgo getting upgraded RPGs unless there were a lot of JPLs on your team because: a. It took valuable time and money b. It was not under physics
Yeah, but that was only for 2.24d with Physics was the absolute only choice due to reflective being so bugged it was the best armour by a huge margin.