Here is another place to download this pack. Again, if you guys want to get more FPS or just want to get rid of the particles and smoke download this and extract into the particle folder. Can we get a mod to sticky this thread? It's basically a way to turn off the particles and should be made official.
I see people all the time ask about this and its kind of been forgotten that there is a patch hidden in these forums. Someone was saying in another thread that the particles should be able to be turned off and that's basically what this pack does.. Don't believe me? look at my sig, some random guy in a server was ranting about it. He needs to know about this thread. I downloaded emptys new fix and some things look cool like the building placement but I had to use this pack again to get rid of the rest.
I'm not against particles but they eat a lot of fps already on a game where cpu is having hard time trying to calculate the code in time.
CPU and RAM covers the code and maps and entities and stuffs. Graphics card covers particles and rendering and stuffs. Mostly.
I can run Metro 2033 on high settings with 30-80 fps on my system. I can play empires 300-20 fps and most of the time fps is below 80. I have Q9500 processor, GTX 280 graphic card and Corsair's RAM, the problem shouldn't be my graphic card, also my FPS had dropped ever since... RC... 10 came out? I think. It was some RC, from that one onwards my fps went nicely down from solid 100+ to solid 40+.
I think there's a link between major fps drop and antialiasing (as in much more drop than one would get from AA normally) but nobody was willing to test it out because it must be the pretty things that got added.
Need something to replace the gl explosion sprite asap. Absolutely fps dropping sprite. I'm sure other's have the same problem. I'm fine with the others although they drop fps too.
How do we test it? I think we think its the particles cause every time they are on the screen it starts to lag.
The GL should be using the default nuke from 2.24, script changes do not fix it, Brutos fixed the code though, next patch it should work.
I don't understand why this one simple sprite lags so bad but it lags more than all the other particles put together. All the other particles are more or less fine FPS-wise now, especially since the particle hotfix.
pickled we a new one more than ever!!! please read thiss!! also come back and fix the weapon scripts!! Mootants even dropping to 15fps with the arty particles.
Yeah I fucked up. This should be better.
Hey empty... when you gana get thoes nukes updated to explode dolphin particles? I swear to god if I could do particles I would make it. What do you use to make the particles anyways?