We didn't have 0.8 lag compensation, so I am not sure where you got the idea that MG "for the most part worked". It's 0 and 1, we didn't have it and now we have it, there's no middle. The reason why it took you 5 seconds to kill someone with std MG is exactly because there's no lag compensation. Here's the numbers for you, std MG used to deal 30 damage at 0.1 sec cycle time with a clipsize of 60. If you found it hard to conceptualize, it's like a BEHR with NO recoil/decaying accuracy and a bigger magazine. Can you imagine if it actaully land its shots like BEHR as well? I did, and I shat my pants, so we decided to pre-nerf them.
Well I mean, it would be like playing with battlefield tanks and that's a pretty popular game... I really didn't like fighting bf tanks at all to be honest.
based on the video i saw here. its just as bad but with tracers coming from all over the place instead of from the tank
This goes to everyone that has a problem with nerfs for vehicle MG. The old values were so insanely high because we did not have lag compensation, the previous scripters had to make the damage insanely high to compensate the fact that you can't hit shit. Even so, it's terrible as long as the target is moving, it's just the target would die instantly if it stops moving. We have moved on from that, this part of vehicle combat is properly working for the first time in the history of Empires, now, you kill people by aiming at them. I am not sure why is anyone hugging the old values that were there to partially fix the previously broken system, it's not making any sense to me.
I am fairly sure miss-by-lag happens at low ping as well, having played on a local server years ago. I also don't remember seeing people melt someone down with std MG with low ping as well. And it's not like they are always the one that's firing at people.
It does, but for some reason I remember having an easier time hitting people with mgs on vipers instead of epic.
You have to compensate less when your ping is lower, so you aim closer to what your eyes are telling you is the target to land shots. In a sense, it's poor accuracy working for you.
Previously it was just players who were lag compensated... Basically everyone is moved back in time every time someone shoots. Now vehicles are as well. see here for an in-depth read https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Source_Multiplayer_Networking#Lag_compensation
We basically revert the server state to how it was when that player clicked his mouse, run the traces and reset the state again to the current time. For an overview of how it works you can look at the valve documentation: https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Source_Multiplayer_Networking#Lag_compensation There aren't that many limits to what we can do with the engine barring developer time.
Doing 3 danage per shot with mediuum cg is fucking ridiculous, what ever your reasoning is security its fucking shit. you shouldnt be doing as little as fucking 3 damage per shot with any fucking gun
First, medium CG is at around 10 damage per shot, so I am not sure where you received that "3 damage hit", unless that's exaggerated. Second, we just recently discovered a bug that's causing all vehicle MGs to be outputting "minimal damage", instead of "initial damage", this also explains why vehicle MGs are dealing seemingly weaker damage. *this is important that it deserves max font size*
the damage hit indicator on mr x server told me i was doing 3 damage and Id agree seeing I never killed anyone but it went 3-4-5 damage and back constantly.
Apr 27, 2017 3:40 AM - @JustGoFly: Update broke game Apr 27, 2017 3:41 AM - @JustGoFly: http://steamcommunity.com/id/JustGoFly/home Apr 27, 2017 3:42 AM - @JustGoFly: After playing for about an hour - and 30 mins on Slaughtered on ESB server, all vehicles on both teams dropped under the map Apr 27, 2017 3:43 AM - @JustGoFly: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd....posite-to=*,*|1024:575&background-color=black Apr 27, 2017 3:43 AM - @JustGoFly: Apr 27, 2017 3:43 AM - @JustGoFly: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=913945375 Apr 27, 2017 3:44 AM - @JustGoFly: If you want to see it - join ESB and spawn a vehicle, before server is restarted Apr 27, 2017 3:44 AM - @JustGoFly: Misfire has video Basically it breaks the physics to the point where changing maps doesn't fix it, the server needs restarting.