Yeah, I still need to mess around with encore some more. I only fixed the bunk bed texture problem before I released it (and found out other textures were screwed up). I'll also through in a ticket bleed. I think I fixed all those problems. Pretty much all the textures where either included with the map and all I had to do is correct their paths, or I found them via google. I also tried to fix some of the floating rocks/mis-aligned texture problems when I saw them. The worst part of that map was that some of the windows weren't func_detailed so it took nearly 2 days for it to compile the first time. After I went on a map optimization spree, it worked pretty well.
Actually, the bunk beds were missing textures too. Also, try to set bleed up like you did on escort alt5.
I said that when I went on it. Would you actually be willing to try it, as a concept? Blight would be up for it. Also, fuck yeah, Oasis. You're a machine Scardybob.
Oasis is so awesome, but it was awesome back in the day cause emps was 10 v 10, Oasis would be a shit show now, but maybe a fun shit show.
wtf is that? I don't think I ever played it. Though, if you send me the file, I'll recompile it for posterity
I never got to play emp_desolation back during 2.12. The map was always missing textures and stuff when I went on it. If anyone can upload that for ScardyBob to fix it, that'd be cool. DeGhost gave me this link over 2 years ago: For the original downhill jam. I think it still works, so you could try that ScardyBob. Not sure who the original mapper is though.
If you get me it, I can do so. I've never played it either. Edit: Added batos and valley. Edit2: And added castle_ob2. Fixed that rock hole and restricted to level 1 turrets.
you know... I still have a copy of an entire empires 2.2 directory on backup. im sure I have all the old maps on it. ill look through it. hmm... Nope. lots of maps just not that one. I do have this list... and the res files too. emp_escort_ck_rc3.bsp emp_fastestmap_v3.bsp emp_frost_rc2.bsp emp_frozensummit_b1.bsp emp_glycencity.bsp emp_hazard_rc6.bsp <--- ehh? emp_homeland_b6.bsp emp_homeland_b7.bsp emp_isle.bsp emp_king_r5.bsp emp_kutm_r2.bsp <---- WTF is this? emp_midbridge_b1.bsp emp_midbridge_b2.bsp emp_midbridge_b3.bsp emp_money.bsp emp_mvalley.bsp emp_oasis.bsp emp_plunge_b1.bsp emp_research_1_2.bsp <--- I can't remember this very well emp_shadows_rc7.bsp emp_shadows_rc8.bsp emp_slaughtered.bsp emp_slaughtered_2_21.bsp emp_smokies_rc1.bsp emp_snowbound_1_1.bsp emp_streetsoffire.bsp emp_thetrenchesb2.bsp <--- this was fun as hell but buggy emp_traders_a8.bsp emp_tropicvendetta_b1.bsp emp_tropicvendetta_b2.bsp emp_tropicvendetta_b3.bsp emp_urbanchaos.bsp emp_valley.bsp emp_vehicletraining_ob2.bsp emp_vehicletraining_rc5.bsp
I looked through the .res file of encore_ob2. There are a few files, I think 2 mentioned in the .res file that are not in the folders. Also the paths to some of the files in the .res file are not the same as the paths of some of the files in the folders. And several files in the folders were not listed in the .res at all. These 2 files are listed in the .res file but are not found in the emp_complex folder or any folder: "materials/maps/emp_complex/icaWall01ablue_normal.vtf" "file" "materials/maps/emp_complex/icaWall03ablue_normal.vtf" "file" This is my edited copy of the .res file Please someone check it to make sure it is correct but still 2 of the files mentioned in the file are not found
yeah raise the skybox a bit then place a hint brush where the original sky top was so squad arty doesnt get affected