Badlands isn't exactly a complicated design. Wouldn't take long to remake with some slight differences. Overall though, nice work. I'll have them tested on emp main when I get home at the weekend.
No, we only needed a recompile because we technically switched engines (EP1 engine -> Orange Box engine). There were enough significant changes between the engines (e.g. ladders changing from entities to textures) that forced a recompile.
You recompiled Fastestmap. God bless you, Scardy. You are truly a boon to us all. (Good job, by the way. I kind of want to play Frost again in all its lolz)
I only played cdr_canyon a couple of times, but I had fun on it. Also, I believe Mayama has already recompiled NF escort for the OB engine, though, I haven't really seen it played much.
No he didn't. We just dumped the 2.12 version on. It crashed on one of the flags every time. It's also really exploitable due to the kill once VF gg.
I have the VMF of NFescort OB, but I'll need someone else to compile it if it is to be done in a reasonable amount of time.
Omneh, Toss it my way if you have me on steam friends or PM me. I should be able to compile it at a somewhat decent pace :D
We've played through all of them on G4TC main. Blast = Working & Fun Boreal = Working & Sucks Cdr_canyon = You fall into all of the craters and get stuck but it's fun. Fix that if possible Fastestmap = Working & Sucks Frost = Working & alright Glycenpass = Crashed server from what I can tell, I think it was the map at least. Gorge = Working & alright lastcity = Working & alright TMS = Working & alright
Did you get any specific error when the server crashed from glycenpass? Also, thanks for putting them on G4TC main. emp_railroad.
i can fix cdr canyon, gimme the vmf, i fixed the same problem in regular canyon. if i fix cdr_canyon, anythign else needing changed in that one before it gets released?
Err, some of the concrete fortresses glitch with the grass below. They might need raising slightly so that grass doesn't poke through. Oh and it needs clipping to fuck if you want to prevent exploiting from me and communism. Because it can be done very easily.