Hello all, I am proud to announce that ‡|JPL|‡ is in full swing. Our forum is ready, the server is online, and our starting line up is ready for business. ‡|JPL|‡ is an invite only clan for skilled players and was created for the skilled to further their Empires experience. Our structure promotes individual importance along with team decision making to give ‡|JPL|‡ members the best experience possible. As the leader of ‡|JPL|‡ I invite you to visit our forums and play on our server. If there is anything we can do to make your Empires experience more enjoyable please let us know. Forum: http://www.empiresjpl.com Game Server: Thank you, ROOR:20
Can the Jekotian 9th Division Highguard steal some forum space? I'm blissfully ignorant on all forms of coding. EDIT: Yes, that means I'm offering the 9th up as a Prime Legion sub-division if you wish.
At the moment I am not set up to offer web space. Plenty of free options exist that are user friendly. For example check out http://www.free-forums.org/new_forum.php Thank you for your interest but we are not currently looking to expand ‡|JPL|‡
Here is the initial render If you need a larger render I can render up another one, I still have the max file
Could you center it over this image (using the larger of the 2 logos)? I would, but I've already used my Photoshop Elements trial and my Photoshop CS2 trial, and I don't dare touch the registry. unless you can recomend something else that will let me remove the white and overlay it.
Quite the demanding type arent you? >.> Well I did just as you asked... But I thought it sucked so I made something else...
I'm not trying to be demanding, I said I don't mind if you don't. I could always have waited till the 8th and done it at school, almost every machine has CS2. THANKYOU!