MAD were never really the most skillful clan, or particularly good at anything specific, but they're the only other clan I ever really came across besides EPIC that had an actual camaraderie within it. Every other clan I've faced just consisted of people who hate each other forced to play within the same team, usually in a pretty unhappy atmosphere. But the MAD guys always seemed to have a good time even when they were getting stomped, and never really got angry or anything. They were just happy to play together as friends. CW sort of had this but they got really bitchy when actually forced to play Empires together. They didn't like actually playing Empires much. There's really a lot to be said for that. I don't know how other clans can even enjoy scrimming without that. So it's cool to see you guys back if you're going to properly make a shot of this. A lot of the average pubbers could become good players if they had a group to join. Both EPIC and Devourawr's clan consist of players who have been around for at the very least 2 years, so there are still a lot of decent players within that experience gap who I'm sure would love an opportunity to play in organised games. But yeah I'm going to agree with whoever said it a page or 2 ago. Your new tags look like a pair of ball sacks. The classic ones were better.
*tips hat* True and true, only thing was I raged a bit too much here n there as comm, and won't be doing that again, pushed some of the guys too hard. The skill was never our drive or foundation and shan't be again. (of course, we NEVER actually so all in all we held our own pretty damn well.... Also, you guys are obssessed with your ftw?? if you recall...women are the sexy ones you are 'supposed' to enjoy humping and drooling over... *shakes head*
you say that like its a bad thing.....omegas...boobs...whatever....both work... maybe the hidden meaning is OMEGA BOOBS!
it's actually the coolest little symbol i could find that works to represent some little flames....that was the thought. Any way to add fonts to steam easily?
Im sorry WMG, but that first sentece is doubly retarded. Firstly, he made a clan once before, so its not really a suprise. Then again, considering how MeanAssholeDeserters are only apparently remembered by oldfags, he doesnt. Good to have you back bitch.
I don't see how his past experience negates with my comment on seeing someone who knows the proper way to grow a clan. If anything, his past experience actually reinforces my comment. I never played with him, but I know who bitchslap and MAD are.
Not really, its just that we had our little blackhole that spawned multiple opportunities at snarky comments, where now we have political debates, steroid threads and weeeabo diaries. You just can't really call someone a friendly old "asshole", because most the time you are serious about meaning that. So saddening.
Yeah we did. It's just that we didn't really do well in scrims because a lot of the clan wasn't really focused competitively. We had a lot of good players, but when it was time to put the teams together, people used to run in different directions and be unable to adapt to the flowing battlefield. That's really a problem when you play defensively. Even more so when you don't have a lot of sharp riflemen on the team - though we had a few. We actually enjoyed playing Empires. Scrimming, not so much. Edit: Maybe the one with the accent would be better, if you're going for flames: ώ
It looks like a Yahrzeit candle to me, which is probably one of the worst names I have seen in English in long time. It's taken directly from German by the looks of it