ω.MAD.ω Recruiting Noobs -- http://madclan.freeforums.net/ http://madclan.freeforums.net/ So, you're new, want to learn a dying game, and see what all the lack of hype is about.....then this is for YOU! Only accepting noobulars who desire to learn the game through pure fail! After all, how do we learn but by stumbling. I am an aged vet, looking to gather bout 10 new people over the next while and 'train' them up into something resembling a clan for some 'competitive' games with whomever is still active. I am told there are two clans remaining with prob 10 people available for games once in a while. MAD was initially a solution to the lack of clans in Empires many moons ago, and aims to be the same again. If you want to make some kind of effort to see what Empires can be in a team game during a competitive but relaxed environment then add and msg me on steam @ 'tuhnin' Please only noobs, if the team is not built from the ground up then it is adding nothing to the game or the betterment of its deadness. Thanks, Bslap PS: HOW MANY ASSHOLES WE GOT ON THIS SHIP??
If you intend to recruit some newcomers you should try to join up the 1/3 full servers and interest them there for your yet again newly formed "Division", since most of them won't even know about the forums - which, as you are surely well aware, is mostly frequented by Emp-Revenants. Otherwise, all the luck of the world to you in your attempt to get this old lady back in highsea-shape!
Great to see someone knows how to make a clan. One of the reasons why I stopped dealing with clans in Empires was that every clan thought the best way to grow was to poach other clans for players. Maybe I'll do the same again if I ever decide to install Empires.
Well if you're in need of an old MAD member returning I can help out with training and such, would be good to kick a few arses into shape like the good old days. Will have to learn all the new tactics and such myself.
If this manages to get enough people and will play regularly, I will consider setting up shop and create a scrim team for beginning players and see if we can do beginner scrims. I kinda hate how they are only parties for the cool kids, and the best way for people to adjust to the competitive environment is to introduce them at a lower level and have them work their way up.
I'm still here... always have been. The only member who actually kept their tags this long apparently? I work nights... but I always get Friday and Saturday off so hit me up when we wanna do some games and I'll try to be around.
Not entirely true Batstar, Bitchslap had his this entire time too! Sounds like MAD is going to do what we're so good at. Piss on their parade and poop in their cake! Joking aside I did try to play Empires a few years ago after a break and it seemed like there were a bunch of elitist pricks pushing people around like they owned the place
Old tag was better. -|M.A.D.|- represent. Funfact: A locker at my old highschool has within it, in sharpie: -|M.A.D.|- rules JPL sux empty woz ere
why do think of men's ballsax instead of nice bouncy boobs....or flames.....like really....u scare me.... *keeps one eye locked on