We are a somewhat small group who have been playing empires for a few years now and have recently decided to create a name for ourselves. I'm looking to have this be a more relaxed clan, mostly for helping train new players but also having a very skilled group of individuals in our clan. Our Members: Brink Wertbarg Bladebuddy We are starting small but hopefully we wont be for long. As for new members, we are looking for long time players and those new players who we see have potential. If your interested join our server when it is up or let Wertbarg or I know if you see us in game. That is all we are able to do for now. We do have a server but I cant have it up 24/7 so we will see how that goes. No website for now, still looking into it.
Thanks for the list of members, what you plan to achieve, whether you are scrim ready, how to contact you if we want to be recruited and all that. EDIT: Much better
"strategic" sounds rather... dull why not Assault Recon Squad Elites? j/k, im sorry guys but i couldnt resist