Share your Autoexec.cfg

Discussion in 'General' started by Neoony, Jan 14, 2017.

  1. Neoony

    Neoony Member

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    Didnt had this discussion in a long time, so I thought lets refresh it.

    Please use code or quote.

    My autoexec.cfg:

    // Neoony's Empires config
    // *********************************************************
    // Enable Cheats - Just in case
    echo "Loading Neoony's Empires config"
    sv_cheats 1
    con_filter_text_out "Too many popups! Rendering will be bad!"; con_filter_enable 1 // Suppresses engine warning in console caused by having >=3 open windows at once
    //con_filter_text_out"Attemped to precache unknown particle system "tracer_vehiclemg_muzzle"!"; con_filter_enable 1
    //Also filter a bunch of errors relating to vehicle muzzleflasshes (errors because muzzleflashes arent used for vehicles)
    //con_filter_text_out "Attemped to precache unknown particle system "tracer_vehiclemg_muzzle"!"; con_filter_enable 1
    //con_filter_text_out "Attemped to precache unknown particle system "tracer_bio_muzzle"!"; con_filter_enable 1
    //con_filter_text_out "Attemped to precache unknown particle system "tracer_du_muzzle"!"; con_filter_enable 1
    //con_filter_text_out "Attemped to precache unknown particle system "tracer_cg_muzzle"!"; con_filter_enable 1
    //con_filter_text_out "Attemped to precache unknown particle system "tracer_plasma_muzzle"!"; con_filter_enable 1
    //con_filter_text_out "Attemped to precache unknown particle system "tracer_he_muzzle"!"; con_filter_enable 1
    //Do the same for "dustparticles" error
    //con_filter_text_out "Attemped to precache unknown particle system "dustparticles"!"; con_filter_enable 1
    //FPS Max
    fps_max "151"
    mat_queue_mode "2"
    r_dynamic "1"
    r_drawtracers_firstperson "1"
    sv_forcepreload "1"
    cl_forcepreload 1
    jpeg_quality "100"
    r_eyegloss "0"
    r_eyemove "0"
    r_eyeshift_x "0"
    r_eyeshift_y "0"
    r_eyeshift_z "0"
    r_eyesize "0"
    hud_takesshots "1" // scoreboard screenshot at end of match
    cl_disablehtmlmotd 1
    r_decals 9999
    mp_decals 9999
    r_decal_cullsize 1
    r_lod 0
    r_maxdlights 256
    r_worldlights 256
    cl_detaildist 256
    cl_ragdoll_collide 1
    r_propsmaxdist 9999
    emp_cl_chatbackdrop 1
    m_pitch "0.022"
    m_customaccel "0"
    m_customaccel_exponent "0"
    m_mousespeed "0"
    m_mouseaccel1 "0"
    m_mouseaccel2 "0"
    m_filter "0"
    unbind k
    unbind j
    unbind l
    unbind h
    unbind t
    unbind mouse3
    unbind i
    unbind o
    bind "l" "emp_unstuck"
    bind mwheelup emp_map_zoomin
    bind mwheeldown emp_map_zoomout
    bind "MOUSE3" "emp_menu_quickcmd 2 4"
    bind "h" "emp_menu_quickcmd 6 1"
    bind "t" "emp_menu_quickcmd 6 3"
    //Complex binds
    alias cycler "vguioff"
    alias vguioff "r_drawvgui 0; alias cycler vguion"
    alias vguion "r_drawvgui 1; alias cycler vguioff"
    bind "k" cycler
    alias cycler2 "hudoff"
    alias hudoff "cl_drawhud 0; impulse 200; voice_enable 0; alias cycler2 hudon"
    alias hudon "cl_drawhud 1; impulse 201; voice_enable 1; alias cycler2 hudoff"
    bind "j" cycler2
    unbind SHIFT
    alias cycler3 "specmenuon"
    alias specmenuon "showpanel specmenu; alias cycler3 specmenuoff"
    alias specmenuoff "hidepanel specmenu; alias cycler3 specmenuon"
    bind "i" cycler3
    bind SHIFT "+duck; hidepanel specmenu"
    alias cycler4 "+scorenet"
    alias +scorenet "+showscores; net_graph 3; alias cycler4 -scorenet"
    alias -scorenet "-showscores; net_graph 0; alias cycler4 +scorenet"
    bind "TAB" cycler4
    // View
    viewmodel_fov "68"
    cl_bobcycle "2"
    snd_mixahead 0.05
    suitvolume "0"
    snd_ducktovolume 0.7
    cl_timeout 9999
    net_graphproportionalfont "0"
    //cl_cmdrate 40
    //cl_interp 0
    //cl_interp_ratio 2
    //cl_lagcompensation 1
    //cl_pred_optimize 2
    //cl_smooth 0
    //cl_smoothtime 0.01
    //cl_updaterate 40
    //rate 35000
    // Rates
    rate "128000"
    cl_cmdrate "128"
    cl_updaterate "128"
    cl_interp "0"
    cl_interp_ratio "1"
    cl_lagcompensation "1"
    cl_pred_optimize 2
    cl_smooth 1
    cl_smoothtime 0.01
    alias PanCamPrep  "sv_cheats 1; host_timescale 0.1; r_drawvgui 0; r_drawviewmodel 0; mat_motion_blur_enabled 0; wait 5; PanCamPos01;
    alias PanCamPos01 "setang_exact 0 0 0  ; wait 5; screenshot; PanCamPos02;"
    alias PanCamPos02 "setang_exact 0 60 0 ; wait 15; screenshot; PanCamPos03;"
    alias PanCamPos03 "setang_exact 0 120 0; wait 15; screenshot; PanCamPos04;"
    alias PanCamPos04 "setang_exact 0 180 0; wait 15; screenshot; PanCamPos05;"
    alias PanCamPos05 "setang_exact 0 240 0; wait 15; screenshot; PanCamPos06;"
    alias PanCamPos06 "setang_exact 0 300 0; wait 15; screenshot; PanCamPos07;"
    alias PanCamPos07 "setang_exact 45 300 0; wait 15; screenshot; PanCamPos08;"
    alias PanCamPos08 "setang_exact -45 300 0; wait 15; screenshot; wait 10; PanCamCleanup;"
    alias PanCamCleanup "host_timescale 1; r_drawvgui 1; r_drawviewmodel 1; mat_motion_blur_enabled 1;"
    alias PanCamPos PanCamPrep
    bind f4 PanCamPos
    //----------------Panorama Preview----------------------------
    alias PanCamPreview "r_drawvgui 0; r_drawviewmodel 0; setang_exact 0 0 0  ; wait 75; setang_exact 0 60; wait 75; setang_exact 0 120; wait 75; setang_exact 0 180; wait 75; setang_exact 0 240; wait 75; setang_exact 0 300; r_drawviewmodel 1; r_drawvgui 1;"
    bind f6 PanCamPreview
    //Cheats off
    sv_cheats 0
    host_writeconfig // write settings to config.cfg
    echo ""
    echo ""
    echo "autoexec.cfg executed"
    echo "Modified by Neoony"
    echo ""
    echo ""
    And launch parameters:
    -noborder +exec autoexec.cfg -novid -tickrate 128 -nojoy -noforcemspd -noforcemparms -noforcemaccel -freq 75 -refresh 75
    (Overclocked my LCD to 75 refresh rate)

    Many of that are from years of tuning CSGO. Most what didnt work from that I removed.
    There arent many updated/useful resources specific to empires.


    Here is my CSGO autoexec.cfg, just if anyone interested.
    This one contains some seriously crazy amounts of googling and researching.

    // Neoony's CS:GO config
    // *********************************************************
    // Enable Cheats - Just in case
    echo "Loading Neoony's CS:GO config"
    sv_cheats 1
    // Rates
    rate "128000"
    cl_cmdrate "128"
    cl_updaterate "128"
    cl_interp "0"
    cl_interp_ratio "1"
    cl_lagcompensation "1"
    fps_max "151"
    fps_max_menu "76"
    lobby_voice_chat_enabled "0"
    mat_queue_mode "2"
    r_dynamic "1"
    r_drawtracers_firstperson "1"
    m_pitch "0.022"
    m_customaccel "0"
    m_customaccel_exponent "0"
    m_mousespeed "0"
    m_mouseaccel "0"
    m_mouseaccel1 "0"
    m_mouseaccel2 "0"
    m_filter "0"
    cl_timeout 9999
    sv_forcepreload "1"
    jpeg_quality "100"
    cl_autowepswitch 0
    r_eyegloss "0"
    r_eyemove "0"
    r_eyeshift_x "0"
    r_eyeshift_y "0"
    r_eyeshift_z "0"
    r_eyesize "0"
    cl_use_opens_buy_menu 0
    cl_join_advertise "2"
    net_graphproportionalfont "0" // small netgraph font
    // Reposition gun model to mimic CS:S
    viewmodel_presetpos "0"
    viewmodel_fov "68"
    //viewmodel_offset_x "2"
    //viewmodel_offset_y "2"
    //viewmodel_offset_z "-2"
    viewmodel_offset_x "0"
    viewmodel_offset_y "2.0"
    viewmodel_offset_z "-2"
    // Reduce gun shifting when crouching
    //cl_viewmodel_shift_left_amt "0.5"
    //cl_viewmodel_shift_right_amt "0.5"
    cl_viewmodel_shift_left_amt "1.5"
    cl_viewmodel_shift_right_amt "0.75"
    // Reduce gun and scope shifting/bobbing when moving
    //cl_bobcycle "2" // prefer 2 but 0.98 is enforced by ESEA/ESL
    //cl_bob_lower_amt "5"
    //cl_bobamt_lat "0.1"
    //cl_bobamt_vert "0.1"
    cl_bob_lower_amt "10"
    cl_bobamt_lat "0.4"
    cl_bobamt_vert "0.25"
    cl_bobcycle "0.980000"
    cl_showloadout 1
    // Misc
    ui_steam_overlay_notification_position "bottomright"
    player_nevershow_communityservermessage "1"
    mm_dedicated_search_maxping "80" // max ping for matchmaking games
    mm_session_search_ping_limit "80"
    hud_takesshots "1" // scoreboard screenshot at end of match
    cl_forcepreload 1
    cl_disablehtmlmotd 1
    gameinstructor_enable "0"
    option_duck_method "0"
    option_speed_method "0"
    cl_join_advertise "2"
    // Binds
    bind del "exec autoexec"
    ////Radio Message Binds
    alias way_to_be_team "playvol radio\legacy_way_to_be_team 1"
    alias yesss2 "playvol radio\legacy_yesss2 1"
    alias yesss "playvol radio\legacy_yesss 1"
    alias thats_the_way "playvol radio\legacy_thats_the_way 1"
    alias this_is_my_house "playvol radio\legacy_this_is_my_house 1"
    alias who_wants_some "playvol radio\legacy_who_wants_some 1"
    alias whoo "playvol radio\legacy_whoo 1"
    alias yea_baby "playvol radio\legacy_yea_baby 1"
    alias well_done "playvol radio\legacy_well_done 1"
    alias very_nice "playvol radio\legacy_very_nice 1"
    bind "KP_END" "coverme"        //Cover Me
    bind "KP_DOWNARROW" "enemydown"      //Enemy Down
    bind "KP_PGDN" "takingfire"     //Taking Fire, Need Assistance
    bind "KP_LEFTARROW" "regroup"        //Regroup Team
    bind "KP_5" "getout"         //Get out of there, it's gonna blow!
    bind "KP_RIGHTARROW" "reportingin"           //Reporting in
    bind "KP_HOME" "report"           //Report in
    bind "KP_INS" "way_to_be_team"
    bind "KP_DEL" "thats_the_way"
    bind "KP_ENTER" "this_is_my_house"
    bind "KP_UPARROW" "who_wants_some"
    bind "KP_PGUP" "well_done"
    bind "KP_SLASH" "very_nice"
    bind "KP_MULTIPLY" "yea_baby"
    bind "KP_MINUS" "whoo"
    bind "KP_PLUS" "yesss"
    bind "PGUP" "yesss2"
    //Skazzy3's epic clutch bind
    //Based on voice_chat script by bananagaming (love you maxim)
    alias "clutch" "clutchon"
    alias "clutchon" "voice_enable 0; clutchsoundon; gameinstructor_enable 1; cl_clearhinthistory; r_cleardecals; playvol buttons\blip2 0.5; alias clutch clutchoff; volume 0.8; say_team Voice off"
    alias "clutchoff" "voice_enable 1; clutchsoundoff; gameinstructor_enable 0; playvol buttons\blip1 0.5; alias clutch clutchon; say_team Voice on"
    bind "i" clutch
    //Clutch audio options.
    //Feel free to edit these how you like, these are only my values because I have a music kit.
    alias "clutchsoundon" "volume 0.8; snd_deathcamera_volume 0; snd_mapobjective_volume 0; snd_musicvolume 0; snd_roundend_volume 0; snd_roundstart_volume 0; snd_tensecondwarning_volume 0.5"
    alias "clutchsoundoff" "volume 0.8; snd_deathcamera_volume 1; snd_mapobjective_volume 1; snd_musicvolume 0.1; snd_roundend_volume 0.6; snd_roundstart_volume 0.6; snd_tense
    snd_front_surround_speaker_position 90
    snd_rear_surround_speaker_position 90
    snd_surround_speaker_pan_radial_weight 0
    snd_surround_speaker_pan_exponent "1"    // expands the stereo image slightly
    snd_mixahead 0.05
    snd_mute_losefocus 0
    snd_prefetch_common 1
    suitvolume "0"
    voice_threshold 2500
    lobby_voice_chat_enabled "0"
    voice_caster_scale "0.7"
    snd_setmixer PlayerFootsteps vol 0.2
    snd_setmixer GlobalFootsteps vol 1.5
    snd_setmixer Ambient vol 0.4
    snd_ducktovolume 0.7
    snd_tensecondwarning_volume 0.5
    snd_roundend_volume "0.6"
    snd_roundstart_volume "0.6"
    //More Custom scripts
    //Fake shot
    alias +fake_shot "use weapon_knife;+attack"
    alias -fake_shot "-attack;lastinv"
    bind h +fake_shot
    //Show netgraph when checking scoreboard
    alias "+scorenet" "+showscores; net_graph 3"
    alias "-scorenet" "-showscores; net_graph 0"
    bind "TAB" "+scorenet"
    //Display damage
    developer "1"
    con_filter_text "Damage"
    con_filter_text_out "Player:"
    con_filter_enable "2"
    //Displaydamage bind - Switch Script by 3st
    alias displaydamage "displaydamage_off"
    alias displaydamage_on "con_filter_text Damage; con_filter_text_out Player:; con_filter_enable 2; developer 1; alias displaydamage displaydamage_off"
    alias displaydamage_off "con_filter_enable 0; developer 0; clear; alias displaydamage displaydamage_on"
    bind j "displaydamage"
    //---Version 2, changes radar size only---\\
    alias radar1 "cl_radar_scale 1.0; cl_hud_radar_scale 1.15; bind k radar2"
    alias radar2 "cl_hud_radar_scale 1.15; cl_radar_scale 0.7; bind k radar3"
    alias radar3 "cl_hud_radar_scale 1.15; cl_radar_scale 0.3; bind k radar1"
    bind k radar1
    //Cheats off
    sv_cheats 0
    host_writeconfig // write settings to config.cfg
    echo ""
    echo ""
    echo "autoexec.cfg executed"
    echo "Modified by Neoony"
    echo ""
    echo ""
    Launch parameters:
    +exec autoexec.cfg -novid -noaafonts -tickrate 128 -noborder -nojoy -noforcemspd -noforcemparms -noforcemaccel -freq 75 -refresh 75 -language textmodorel
    (-language textmodorel I use a thing that alters the chat colors)

    Dont really feel like describing every single thing ( should have made comments, when setting them xD )
    So dont hesitate to ask about anything.
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2017
  2. Sgt.Security

    Sgt.Security Member

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    con_filter_text_out "Too many popups! Rendering will be bad!"; 
    con_filter_enable 1    // Suppresses engine warning in console caused by having >=3 open windows at once
    Launch properties:
    -windowed -noborder +fps_max 140
    Neoony likes this.
  3. Neoony

    Neoony Member

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    Well, what can I say.
    I love tuning stuff xD
  4. Sgt.Security

    Sgt.Security Member

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    Aren't a lot of the variable changes blocked/limited by the server anyway?
  5. Neoony

    Neoony Member

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    Only these are the ones I know about.

    But I should probably try entering my commands individually while being on a server to see.
    But from the rates, only those 4 are enforced.

    I dont think much else should be enforced by the server.
    And some of those commands are also rather meant for listenserver/demos too.. and so.
  6. Avatarix

    Avatarix Member

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    Can you please give some resources on what do all these things mean and how not to screw up your gameplay up? Googling all of this takes time
  7. Neoony

    Neoony Member

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    All right then.
    I will try adding comments to some of the things.
    At least what I remember.

    Anything that takes performance away, is mostly there to make empires look a bit better..or not so bad.
    And none of it should be any big deal to performance.
    Probably tiny effects.

    Commented and explained autoexec.cfg

    Enjoy :)
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2017
  8. Neoony

    Neoony Member

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    Actually, correction.

    It seems my old rates work better.

    cl_interp 0
    cl_interp_ratio 2
    cl_lagcompensation 1
    cl_pred_optimize 2
    cl_smooth 0
    cl_smoothtime 0.01
    rate 100000

    And about the server enforcing rates, for example doesnt actually enforce many of those commands, its only a maximum/minimum enforcement/restrictment.
    So for example.
    ( def. "0.1" )"cl_interp" = "0.007813" min. 0.000000 max. 0.500000** NOTE: The real value is 0.000 but the server has temporarily restricted it to 0.008 **

    So if you set it to 0, it will always be the allowed minimum, which is set by server to 0.008.

    But you can still change it to 0.1 or something else if you would like.
    Same for "rate", the server sets 100000 but you can go lower than that if you would like.

    My main fix now seems to be setting cl_interp_ratio 2, instead of 1. Just how I used it before. ( Think I had those new rates rather as an experiment xD )
    With 1 I was getting more of that tiny stuttering lag.
    The server also says this command is restricted or enforced. But it wont mind when you change it. At least it happened ONCE for sure to me, that the server responded that its restricted/enforced, when I didnt set any value to it.

    Not sure if there is any difference about cl_smooth. But I will just turn it off, as its generally advised in source engine games.
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2017
  9. Skazzy3

    Skazzy3 Member

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    Heyy, I'm actually the creator of the clutch bind. Its cool to see people that are using it :)

    This is my autoexec:
    cl_cmdrate "128"
    cl_updaterate "128"
    rate "786432"
    viewmodel_presetpos 0
    viewmodel_fov "65"
    viewmodel_offset_x "2"
    viewmodel_offset_y "2"
    viewmodel_offset_z "-2"
    cl_viewmodel_shift_left_amt "0"
    cl_viewmodel_shift_right_amt "0"
    cl_bob_lower_amt "10"
    cl_bobamt_lat "0"
    cl_bobamt_vert "0"
    //Alias scripts
    alias +jumpthrow "+jump;-attack"
    alias -jumpthrow "-jump"
    alias +runjumpthrow "+forward;+jump;-attack"
    alias -runjumpthrow "-forward;-jump"
    bind downarrow +jumpthrow
    bind rightarrow +runjumpthrow
    bind j +jumpthrow
    //Skazzy3's epic clutch bind - START
    //Remake by Maxim
    //Don't touch this
    alias "clutch" "clutchon"
    alias "clutchon" "voice_enable 0; gameinstructor_enable 1; cl_clearhinthistory; r_cleardecals; playvol buttons\weapon_confirm 0.5; say_team Voice Disabled, I can't hear anyone now; alias clutch clutchoff"
    alias "clutchoff" "voice_enable 1; gameinstructor_enable 0; playvol buttons\button2 0.5; say_team Voice Enabled, I can hear you now; alias clutch clutchon"
    //Bind this to a key (this will turn on & off the clutch)
    bind "F2" clutch
    alias +knife "slot3"
    alias -knife "invnextnongrenade"
    bind q +knife
    //Skazzy3's epic clutch bind - END
    cl_disablehtmlmotd "0"
    cl_forcepreload "1"
    r_drawtracers_firstperson 0
    fps_max 0
    Neoony likes this.

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