Standardizing armor hp, weapon damage etc

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by Paradox, Dec 8, 2016.

  1. Paradox

    Paradox I am a gigantic asshole who loses people's hard wo

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    Right now it's so hard to understand how much damage something does.
    Like I've been playing for almost a decade and I dont know how much hp a plate of armor has or how much damage UML does.

    I think it would be better if we standardize this.

    Let me give you an example, in dota its usefull to know how much damage exactly something deals because you know how much HP someone else exactly has, or yourself.

    In empires you see in the vehicle creation menu how much damage your missile does or what ever. But in the actual game you have no idea of the HP of yourself or the other person.

    Wouldn't it be better to or have indication of tank hp or change the way you express damage.
    Instead of 60 damage it would be 1.5 plates of plain armor

    How much hp does reactive have 2.0 plates of plain armor

    In the other thread I was talking about making better description
    What I would suggest is something like this

    ( general information)
    - 1.5 plates of plane armor per 1/2/3 missiles, 2x multiplier to buildings
    - High speed, high rof

    Specific information
    - Good against absorbant ( 2x ), good against bio ( 1.5)
    - Bad against reflective ( 0.5 )

    You get the general information if you hover over the research or weapon
    And you get specific information if you press alt when hovering over the research or weapon ( like in dota )
    The green part is the extra information, and that would contain the specific information
  2. Devourawr

    Devourawr Member

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    Sounds like a good idea. Honestly, nobody really even knows what does what to what or how exactly, even after trawling through the scripts, which no average pubber does. Maybe send a message to Security and D.D. Destroyer and collaborate to set up something that standardises descriptions.
  3. Ranger

    Ranger Member

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    If you can't see how many layers of armour a tank has, then how will you know that a nob didn't get a heavy wieht 1 plate on each side or how will armor detection be beneficial without number of plates as indication of health? Will it display the total amount of HP? One could guess the type of armour of that. If for example the tank has 600hp, it's gotta be reactive, or if it's 186 it's 3 absorbant or if it's 310 absorabnt again. the weird numbers indicate what the armor type is or what is not. like 178 isnot compo because compo has 80hp. it could be either abs or regen with their wierd armor health number 62 and 67 for regen? i forgot. anyway you getthe point. So that's a sideeffect, not saying it's bad but it must be considered.

    I personally like seeing the number of plates I have. It is just health currently but I like to think it is a possible future feature, like armor penetration or resistance to small calibers or something likethat.
  4. Paradox

    Paradox I am a gigantic asshole who loses people's hard wo

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    I'm not saying remove the ability to see how many plates you have left, I'm saying keep it, but make it so damage gets indicated by how many plates you remove instead of a random number thus STANDARDIZING IT.

    You are litterally teling everyone how bad empires is right now without standardization. And I'm proposing standardization I hope you realize this lol
  5. flasche

    flasche Member Staff Member Moderator

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    but how you put armor on then because you add armor on the same per plate basis.
  6. Ranger

    Ranger Member

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    Still not sure what you mean sorry. So say we have a default armour with 60hp and then we want a new one you're saying it's hp would be the default +50% +plus pros and cos or something because you feel like the healthpoints given to each armor is too random? ranging from 40 to 160. If that is the case I have thought of this as well. Armour would get their pros and cons in the way tf2 does it with its weapons like *66% smaller clip size* or *25% damage penalty*or *15%more damage*. For armours descriptions would be shortand presented as a list like this:

    Standard Issue Armour:
    50 Health
    15 Weight
    5 Res/Plate

    +25% Health
    25% Resistance to Kinetic Damage
    -20% weight

    Or that all armours have thesame HP and simply have different pros and cons? (i think that makes it easier to balance weapons toobecause it removes the hp variable from the equation)

    Or you mean that the health of the armour is decided by the number of plates you put on (same things as now duh) but that it works in a different way.
  7. flasche

    flasche Member Staff Member Moderator

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    what paradox wants is that 1 layer of armor always equals to the same hp, only weight would be different. so if lets say a plate equals to 25hp and armor detection tells you the enemy has 5 plates on the front you instantly know its 125hp of armor.

    currently 1 layer has different hp and different weights.
  8. Ranger

    Ranger Member

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    so.... if one layer is 50hp and you put one plate of armor that has 25 hp what happens then? you spawn with a red/yellow layer of armour?

    I suppose this requires more elaboration?
  9. Lazybum

    Lazybum :D Staff Member Moderator

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    I thought paradox wasn't saying to rebalance things, just show what does what in simpler terms. Literally instead of saying 60 damage ranged cannon it's 1.5 plates of plain armor, just like he said, which is how it works right now.

    I can see why this is good for average players or anyone who doesn't look at change logs. Honestly if you based damage values and armor values off of plain armor I don't think it would be terribly hard to keep this updated either, it could automatically adjust that "# of plates of plain". Admittedly it wouldn't account for weird things like speed to damage or reflective ability, I don't think bio damage is even listed in the vf menu, but it might work for a rough idea.

    That said I'm not huge into exact numbers, meaning I don't like it when games say "it does x damage against x unit", I feel like it takes a bit of the magic away. Or at least you get yelled at for shit like dps and ttk, even if it matters so little in a game like empires. It's why I'd rather an even simpler "good, average, bad" thing, kinda like what reznov wanted to do over here.

    Generics like this I feel are even easier to keep up to date, because generally weapons strengths and weakness don't change that often at all.
  10. Paradox

    Paradox I am a gigantic asshole who loses people's hard wo

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    Its like using the metric system, everything is expressed in plain armor.
    Reactive has 1.5 plain armor strenght
    reflective has 1 plain armor strenght but in the detailed description youll see it has resists against blablablblala

    dps of he canon isnt 50 damage, its 0.7 plain armor/shot
  11. flasche

    flasche Member Staff Member Moderator

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    will it then also be 70 centiplainarmor per shot (=cpaps or cpa/s) or 700milliplainarmor per shot (700 mpaps).
    Ranger likes this.
  12. VulcanStorm

    VulcanStorm Developer Staff Member Moderator

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    The current representation does have its benefits?

    It makes it harder for the enemy to "read" your tank. Rather than going "ha, with that [indicator], they must be using X". You have no idea of a tanks total armour from just observing how many plates are visible, just an idea of its current state.

    Further, it gives a certain feel to the tank. The feel of physically strapping plates of different materials on. So that reactive looks visually (GUI) different to absorbent.

    Consider the situation that 2 tanks have the same total armour. But 1 has reactive, and 1 has absorbent. With a classic "health bar" approach, both tanks would have the same appearance. Even though their armours are functionally different and even have different uses and advantages.

    I recently took a very in-depth look into the exact implementation of the armour resistances, how angle modifier works, how speed to damage works etc...

    And I can tell you with the current empires design. It's not easy to just say "2x damage vs X armour" or even, "2x damage vs X compared to Y weapon".

    However these very specific values would be possible to compute. But not for all armours.

    Even a "n plates of plain" is just another number for damage. Why not keep it like it is?

    The best information I feel that can be represented currently is based on playstyle and the armours weaknesses rather than a specific weapon being good against it.

    However I do agree on the need for a clearer information system.

    Unless I've misunderstood this entirely...
  13. Lazybum

    Lazybum :D Staff Member Moderator

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    I'm pretty sure you are misunderstanding, I don't think paradox is asking for changing the actual balance or mechanics of anything, just how the current info is displayed. It might help to think you only see this info in the vf menu or possibly the research menu, not really looking at tanks with armor detection.

    Like consider it like this. Numbers, while they tell you exact amount, don't tell you how effective it is. Most players look at how many plates they take off when shooting something, no one looks at the exact number, of course because they can't but you get the meaning. So if you display everything relating to x amount of plates the player has a better understanding of what exactly is happening, or at least a good enough idea. After all no one really needs to know the specifics, evidenced by the speed to damage modifier and how like 3 people know how it works, absorbent works and that's all anyone cared about.
  14. Sgt.Security

    Sgt.Security Member

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    I can see where Paradox is coming from.
    I do agree that our numbers are not very conceptual.

    If anyone read the description of Enhanced/APCR RPG research, I wrote "increases RPG damage by 23%" instead of "increases RPG damage by 30".

    +23% is more conceptual than +30 damage. (When you don't know the exact number)

    But then again, we have angle modifier and shit. Our weapons don't really deal "fixed" damage.
    We can certainly write "Absorbant reduces more damage as the projectile speed increases, ranging from 11%~42%."
  15. VulcanStorm

    VulcanStorm Developer Staff Member Moderator

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    I see. Clearly I misunderstood.

    However, I wouldn't like to give false information about plates removed. Since " I thought this did 3 plates, WHY DID IT ONLY DO 2?!" May be shouted as players expectations are different to what actually happens.

    Both speed to damage and angle modifier make the exact number of plates removed very difficult to calculate for any given armour. Because this is not a discrete value, it's a continuous distribution of values between a max and a min. Or even just a max value, and no determinable minimum for some armours.

    It would indeed be possible to take a weapon and work out approximately these maximum and minimum values for each armour. But is say 0.73 of a plate a helpful value?
  16. Lazybum

    Lazybum :D Staff Member Moderator

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    You missed the part where the plates removed wasn't a list of all armors, the only metric is plain armor. Plain has no benefits and hp is 40, it's a very very simple metric to use.

    I don't think we should tell the amounts for everything, it would be too hard to keep updated and in the end if players really want that extra edge they can sit there for 2 minutes to do basic logic.
  17. Paradox

    Paradox I am a gigantic asshole who loses people's hard wo

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    Vulcan storm my solution might not be the best, but i dont think theres another system better than standardizing to the most common armor.
    Right now its complete shit.

    Also we dont need to giveexact modifiers. Just a good ( 100-150% damage ) and great ( 150-200) would be sufficient.

    Empires doesnt need to be morr abstract, we gotta streamline it
  18. Sgt.Security

    Sgt.Security Member

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    I wouldn't bother with this job entirely if I am to give unprecise range.
    If I am to follow that I can just write "Absorbant reduces cannon damage by around 35%, missile damage by 20%" and call it a day.

    Misleading/inaccurate description is bad.
    Last edited: Dec 9, 2016
  19. Ranger

    Ranger Member

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    I still don't fully get it :/ . You are saying that instead of saying this rocket deals 60 damage, say that it destroys 1.5 plates of std armor?

    I don't think that's a good idea, first of all because std armor hp can change and because it doesn't apply to real life well enough. currently damage can be affiliated with joules. say a tank shell delivers 45346215 kinetic energy.that's our damage. Now if we use plates to count effectiveness or damage or whatever is like saying "this cannon penetrates 500mm of steel armor". This is information about the weapon and describes one of its capabilities; I don't think it can be as a unit to measure damage. I don't think it's a good standardization because 500mm of steel armor are different from 500mm of wrought armor, composite armor, aluminum, plastic or whatever. So I still don't understand how it would be good at describing... I guess I have misunderstood again..?

    Edit: well I had someone explain to me what Paradox is saying.

    One plate of armour displayed on any tank equals to 40 health so 1 plate of compo in the creation menu would equal to two plates in the HUD. That's confusing and the HUD would need to be reworked to no end up having 18 plates (6 plates of reactive=720/40=18 plates. 6 plates of capacitive=960/40=24 plate/side but few use capacitive.)

    I didn't put much thought into it but the only solution to this is to scrap the "how many layers does he have" and put all hp into one single plate in the hud.

    Edit: also keep in mind this thread is for players who play as gren with detect armor upgrade. I play this way more often than not and honestly didnt ever need so much info. even if you can know exactly how much hp the enemy has it won't change a thing. you shoot the weak side until he dies. How much hp he has left is showen by the colour of the layers of armor and thats all you need. Weapons won't deal more damage if you know the health or anything like that, I don't see how it's helpful. You don't know the armor you're fighting against but you can still calculate aprox
    Last edited: Dec 9, 2016
  20. Lazybum

    Lazybum :D Staff Member Moderator

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    What game are we talking about again?

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