Brutos is a happy panda

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Brutos, Sep 21, 2010.

  1. PreDominance

    PreDominance Member

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    Congrats Brutos! Maybe when I'm 18 I'll take a visit to Germany.
  2. Metal Smith

    Metal Smith Member

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    That explains the coding :o
  3. Fooshi

    Fooshi For fuck's sake Fooshi

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    "DUDE! DUDE! Imagine this: Scout rifle that shoots rubber bullets! HAAAHAHAHAH!! Oh shit dude! People are gonna be soooo pissed!"

  4. Dubee

    Dubee Grapehead

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    more like... "dude....... *blacks out and wakes up to find GUI coded in*"
  5. Grantrithor

    Grantrithor Member

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  6. Z100000M

    Z100000M Vithered Weteran

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    So basically you are talking about being put in cryostatic sleep for 20 years.
    Heck, dwarf fortress will go 3d before empires gets a proper gui :P
  7. Dubee

    Dubee Grapehead

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    No, i am talking about the current GUI being coded in by drunken coders
  8. ScardyBob

    ScardyBob Member

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    Quick! Someone get Brutos a pointy hat!
  9. Trickster

    Trickster Retired Developer

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    Hi Brutos I'm coming to live in Holland for 3 months. That's like 10 minutes from central Germany right? /beinganamerican
  10. Emp_Recruit

    Emp_Recruit Member

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    Congrats! It's lots of fun. I just graduated in April.

    First two years grades don't count for shit in terms of employment/grad schools.

    My recommendation is get involved in a lot of shit and network like a motherfucker. If you can do co-op and get on top of it now for registering. Also try and line up a job doing research with a prof and career orientated summer jobs. This stuff will count WAY WAY more than your grades unless you 1. fail really fucking bad 2. want to goto grad school(even then first to years will get tossed if you make it past initial grade screening).

    Try and win at least 1-2 academic scholarships in your last 2 years to put on your resume. My marks were ok years 1-2(B average) and good my last 2 years(A average) but I won a few scholorships and awards, put them on my resume and all interviewers were like "Oh wow so I see you did very well in School" even though my average was a very high B+. Maybe 5% of places I applied actually wanted a transcript.

    I know VERY VERY few other people than myself who got good solid career type jobs so far. (graduated april) Most of my friends are back working retail jobs and doing random shit or things part time. The ones who do have good jobs almost every one of them did co-op. The university degree is a checkbox for getting your resume looked at, the other stuff will get you a job.

    Whatever your major is, take electives that are the complete opposite and list them on your resume. So if your doing compsi/bio try and fit in something like english or philosophy, bust ASS in the class and put it + your grade on your resume. Employers always look for well rounded candidates, it proves to them that you can also be an effective communicator.
  11. Emp_Recruit

    Emp_Recruit Member

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    You Euros are such pussies. I drove across Canada (4k+ km) in 3 days for work. Entire distance from far border of holland to far border of germany is like 1/2 of what I was driving a day.
  12. Dubee

    Dubee Grapehead

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    Do we criticize euros for not knowing a lot about the Americas? No.. We don't. Our continent is much easier to learn. You guys have like 50 countries, each one about the size of one of our states. No one cares about where shit is.

    lul South America is like rite below north America rite?(beingeuro)
  13. Vulkanis

    Vulkanis Banned

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    Dubee, I pity you.
  14. Dubee

    Dubee Grapehead

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    LOL well I really hold your opinion very highly. I know a little about europe but I'm not gonna fucking learn the geography of some continent with 20 countries with who the fuck cares amount of states and cities on the other side of the world. I will learn about that when I am about to go there. I like to spend my time learning shit that will actually help me in life. I don't care if some nerd from england is gonna have a lul about that.

    edit: I have my priority's set straight. I learn shit that will help me get where I want. I'm not gonna learn shit that will never help me unless I'm on some dumb game show. I could learn about every country and states in europe in 30 mins on the internet. So when the time comes that I need to learn that I will. As of rite now I need to focus on making my life better. I think that's a little better way to approach intelligence rather then learning a bunch of useless shit that won't help your life at all.
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2010
  15. Ikalx

    Ikalx Member

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    It's not really something you actively learn, which is usually the point. Again, the idea is that of Americans "turning their eyes inward" and failing to even recognise the rest of the world.

    Try not to be so proud of that that you end up reinforcing the stereotype. In fact, and this should appeal to you, knowing a few countries around the world is great ammunition for pouring egg over the faces of anti-american snobs...and who doesn't like doing that, eh?
  16. Dubee

    Dubee Grapehead

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    I don't even know a lot about America and where states and cities are. I think I need to learn things that will help me instead of filling it with generic info about places. I could learn about those things If I feel like it would help me in anyway other then being criticize by random people. I wouldn't care if someone doesn't know about europe if I lived out there. I am not ignoring Europe I just don't feel like learning about a place that I won't visit for another few years. When the time comes I will, I think you guys need to learn about more important thing's like how to improve the quality of your life and finding ways to make your life better constantly..

    I mean do you honestly feel its important to know every country/city in every continent? With the internet you can learn those things whenever you want. So If I don't plan on going to Europe for another 3 years then I will learn it then instead of now when I can be working on things that will get me pussy/money/happiness.

    I have my priorities straight.
  17. recon

    recon SM Support Dev

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    There are no other countries, only areas that have yet to become part of our empire. After all, that's our way of life. BTW: That was sarcastic.

    Oh and Ikalx, the problem is in fact the reverse: we're so busy finding fault with everyone else that we haven't cleaned up our own backyard.
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2010
  18. Dubee

    Dubee Grapehead

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    :) cheers recon
  19. Ikalx

    Ikalx Member

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    Naw, that's just the british way - we accept things on our end are shite and don't do anything about it. We hardly march about anything anymore, and things don't really get changed. Heh, we try to make a difference with our votes more than anything, and even that has a hella low turnout.

    Firstly, let me just say, i'm not defending Trickster's comment at all. My replies have been in response to yours.

    Dubee, I don't know much about the countries of the world. In geography at school I learnt more about tectonic plates and infrastructure than countries, and i'm pretty unknowledgable about the world. But, when someone tells me something, I ask perhaps one question about the location, then I have a vague idea. Dar es Salaam is in east cost me 1.5 seconds to learn that, which I did during the course of my day and context of the conversation.

    It's not about actively learning something because it will hurrdurr be more useful to you, it's actually about not closing your mind to general conversation. It's about being receptive, without any effort, and generally improving the quality of your life by expanding your knowledge.

    I don't know many countries in the world, I don't know the placement of the european countries even. Oh sure I know France and Germany and Italy, they're pretty easy, but beyond that would I know off the bat? No.

    With the internet you can know whatever you want as long as you're connected to it and want to look it up. I fail to see how having a factual database at your fingertips is better than learning yourself - not the hard way, and not actively, just simply remembering what has been said. It doesn't even come down to whether you think knowing is better than having to look it up each time, it comes down to whether what people say to you actually registers at all, or if you just don't care.

    It's a bit concerning to me how your attitude seems to be that you're improving your life all the time, and yet I wouldn't have believed that you didn't have thousands of conversations about places in the world during your life. Are you just ignoring the voices you hear and concentrating on something else other than the person you're talking to? Doesn't it follow that you're pretty much wasting your time then?

    You do know that the more you learn, the more it expands your view on the world, right? At times you will learn enough so your whole world view will shift and change to accomodate new ideas - kinda like the insights you get while you're high. Knowledge is power, dubee... my point is not that I know all the countries of the world, or that you should know them, just that you shouldn't actively shun that knowledge. Knowledge is a gift, take it freely.
  20. Jessiah

    Jessiah Member

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    How is the USA any better? 50 states. 50 countries. Big fucking difference. It's only easier because of where you were grew up, It's nothing to do with USA vs Europe.

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